Thursday, April 7, 2011

!!!!!We Are Done!!!!!

We have finishe dour demo and next time we will film it and upload that. tommorow the federal government might be shut down so i am nervous because thousand of people will be out of work and have no money for food

Friday, April 1, 2011


Today i finished the demo bbut did not have the ability to save it before it decided to be a jerk and freeze. this is the second time any thing like this has happened to me since i have been in this class and the  last time was our last class but i can not control it if they overheat no one can.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

i could not do anything

i could not really do anything today because i had a rally bad glitch and i was over half way done i trying to mfix the demo because it had a really bad glitch

Monday, March 28, 2011

I am moving back

Today I moved back to the demo and have finished a few things and I am going to try to finish it next class but i will not get my hopes up because i am easily destracted

to be continued

Thursday, March 24, 2011

the penguin is so cuddly

Today I have uploaded my adding animations file and  started on adding input for the keyboard and made a cool penguin. i am finally getting hold of flash and really being able to master it but i am still a novice compared to some of the others in this class but they had globaloria llast yera so i am pretty good for a first year.     

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Adding Animations

Today I have learned how to add working coded animations to a flash file and I have finished uploading my buttons demo. i have also watched the videos on animation and started working on the simpler animation.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have mastered buttons i am so happy but i do not know what will i master next i hope it will be coding object but i do not knkow the future. This class is very slowly getting easier and easier but everyone has problem ]

                                   2 be continued