Monday, September 20, 2010

what i've done today

I have played two games and I've found them both very interesting so far as topic and design. I've also been thinking of new topics such as terrorism and our nations unemployment rate. There are so many tropic I would like to use!

I think I would like to make a game about a family living in an active war zone.


  1. that sounds like a prety good idea. I hope you can finish it, I would like to play it.

  2. Living in a war zone - this reminds me a little of the game set in Darfur.Soudan(West Africa) where the children are sent out to get firewood and water and have to avoid the Janjaweed soldiers who present a terrible danger. Did you see this game when you were exploring games? If not, I'll try to help you locate it. There might be some ideas there you can use.
